Computer processors may soon have one fundamental aspect in common with their owners – a structure composed largely of carbon, rather than silicon. Graphene, carbon arranged in atom-thick s
heets, is already known to be an excellent conductor, but electronics requires the ability to insulate too, as well as electrical properties in between those two extremes. Now research has shown that the material can be easily modified to act as an insulator, paving the way for efficient all-carbon electronics. The semiconductor industry exploits the "whole periodic table" to manufacture its components, says Konstantin Novoselov at the University of Manchester, UK. "But what if a single material is modified so that it covers the entire spectrum needed for electronics?" Graphene could be that material, he says. Using a single material could simplify construction and allow near-seamless interconnections between conductors and semiconductors – currently as much of a headache for the chip manufacturers as the need to constantly shrink transistors. Discovered in 2004, graphene is made from sheets of carbon atoms in a hexagonal "chicken wire" arrangement. The material is an ideal conductor – electrons whiz through the layers at near the speed of light. Novoselov and colleagues have shown the material can be easily modified to act as an insulator by adding hydrogen atoms to its surface. The new material – called graphane – is made by exposing a graphene sheet to ionised hydrogen gas for two hours. The carbon-hydrogen bonds created lock away electrons that in graphene are free to move as current. Alex Savchenko at the University of Exeter in the UK thinks the new find is significant. "In electronics, all digital elements – transistors – switch signals on and off, so they should have a large difference between the open and closed-state resistances," he says. Graphene ordinarily lacks that "band gap", and finding a way to add it has kept physicists busy in recent years.

IT3 komment:
A nanoelektronikai kutatások legígéretesebb területe a szén-nanocső alapú megoldások lehetőségeinek vizsgálata volt az elmúlt évtizedben. A költséghatékony előállítási megoládsokat azonban mindezidáig nem sikerült kifejleszteni. A szén-nanocső mellett egy másik, szintén szént alkalmazó fejlesztési irány a grafén alapú nanoelektronika megoldások kidolgozása. A grafént 2004-ben fedezték fel, de mindezidáig nem tudták megoldani, hogy szigetelőként is használhassák. Januári bejelentések szerint két kutatócsoportnak is sikerült előrelépést elérnie ezen a terüelten. A University of Exeter kutatóinak hidrogén, a Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute kutatóinak pedig szilicium-dioxid hozzáadásával sikerült szigetelőként viselkedő grafént létrehozniuk.
forrás: NewScientist
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