Cell phones and TVs converging with the Internet? That's so 2008. The next big tech trend may be the marriage
of computer technology to your car or truck.Hyundai is launching a system that warns motorists when they drift out of the lane they're traveling in. Another manufacturer has developed pedestrian-detection software that works with heat-seeking cameras to alert drivers when someone is in their path.In March, Ford will release a fully functional, dashboard computer -- complete with keyboard -- geared to contractors and other business folks who want to access the Web, review documents and log inventory while on the go. In the spring, AT&T will launch an in-car entertainment service with 22 satellite TV channels.Industry executives hope the new technological bells and whistles will put some sizzle back into stagnant vehicle sales.
„Consumers want a vehicle that's always on and always connected,” said Kieran O'Sullivan, vice president at Continental Automotive Systems, which supplies parts and technology to automakers. In the near future, he said, „consumers and carmakers will be able to customize the [dashboard] instrument panel to their individual tastes the same way that people customize their mobile phones.”
As consumers are growing accustomed to having mobile Internet through their smart phones, more car buyers are seeking connectivity in their vehicles that will allow them to move seamlessly between their digital lives at work and home.Half of the new vehicles sold in the United States are now compatible with MP3 players and 80 percent can connect with wireless Bluetooth headsets, said automotive technology expert John Waraniak.

„Consumers want a vehicle that's always on and always connected,” said Kieran O'Sullivan, vice president at Continental Automotive Systems, which supplies parts and technology to automakers. In the near future, he said, „consumers and carmakers will be able to customize the [dashboard] instrument panel to their individual tastes the same way that people customize their mobile phones.”
As consumers are growing accustomed to having mobile Internet through their smart phones, more car buyers are seeking connectivity in their vehicles that will allow them to move seamlessly between their digital lives at work and home.Half of the new vehicles sold in the United States are now compatible with MP3 players and 80 percent can connect with wireless Bluetooth headsets, said automotive technology expert John Waraniak.
IT3 komment:
Ma már senki nem lepődik meg azon, hogy („okosabb”) mobiltelefonjaink internetezésre is alkalmas komplett számítógépként funkcionálnak. Jelenleg is futó projektek, a nagyobb gyártók kezdeményezései, valamint a fogyasztói igények alapján úgy tűnik, hogy az informatika következő – hasonlóan – fontos fúziója az autóiparral jön létre. Ráadásul a „számítógép-autók” alkalmasint ki is húzhatják a csávából a stagnáló iparágat.
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