By initiation of Fraunhofer FOKUS a new research and demonstration center for electronic services has been e
stablished in Bucharest e-CAESAR. On 17 February 2009 the articles of association for the foundation of a joint Center for Advanced Studies on Electronic Services e-CAESAR will be signed in Bucharest in the presence of representatives from politics and enterprise from Germany and Romania. The initiator of this move is the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, in Berlin, and the founder members are the University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) and the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest (ASE). Given the legal form of a non-profit association, the new research and demonstration center aims at the strategic development of interoperable, safe, cross-border administrative processes in Romania and neighboring EU accession countries with special reference being paid to the interoperability of OpenSource and ClosedSource products. eGovernment application projects will be carried out and modern infrastructures put in place in collaboration with national and international companies on the ground in Romania, including such names as Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, NetApp, Oracle, Siemens and Sun.
IT3 Komment:
Az információtechnológiai szolgáltatások outsourcingja és határokon átívelő hatása nemcsak nekünk lehetőség, hanem szomszédunknak is. Ha egy szakmai közösség új kutatási irányvonalat tud javasolni, az vonzza a további szponzorokat. Főleg akkor, ha a képzett munkaerő viszonylag alacsony költséggel hoz létre magas színvonalú szellemi termékeket.
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