By almost any measure, the U.S. economy is in its worst state since the Great Depression.
Consumer spending is down, credit markets remain weak, and more than 10 million Americans are out of work. Yet despite the grim financial picture, demand for certain types of IT skills, such as SAP, .Net and help desk/support, remains strong. And while some employers will continue to look outside their companies to find workers with expertise in these and other disciplines, some CIOs are building some of this know-how internally as hiring freezes become more common. The hottest skills, as cited by respondents to Computerworld's annual Forecast survey are:

1. Programming/application development
2. Help desk/technical support
3. Project management
4. Networking
5. Business intelligence
6. Security
7. Web 2.0
8. Data center
9. Telecommunications
IT3 komment:
Válság ide vagy oda, úgy tűnik, hogy a programozóknak és általában véve az informatikusoknak továbbra sem kell tartaniuk attól, hogy tartósan munkanélküliek lesznek.
Forrás: Computerworld
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