The Swedish Agency for Public Management was commissioned by the Swedish Government to summa
rise and analyse, on the basis of central government agencies’ existing surveys, citizens’ and businesses’ perceptions of public administration in terms of such aspects as service, response and confidence. The plan was for the resulting summary and analysis also to cover discernible changes over time. Besides state agencies’ own investigations, surveys from a number of stakeholders named in the assignment were to be included in the documentary basis of Agency’s work if this could help to provide a more complete picture....
...The conclusions in the report are partly based on a summary compiled by the Agency for Public Management of 51 quantitative user surveys with varying content that were carried out in the years 2006–08 by 31 administrative agencies engaged in extensive user liaison. This selection of agencies does not include higher education institutions (HEIs) or national museums. The summary covers a total of 1,394 ratings of public administration from the public and businesses.
The Agency for Public Management has also, in cooperation with Statistics Sweden (SCB), sent 180 administrative agencies a questionnaire about their user surveys. Replies to the questionnaire were received from 83% (149) of the agencies. In addition, the Agency has conducted in-depth studies concerning work on user dialogues at five major agencies with large-scale user liaison.
IT3 komment:
A közigazgatás teljesítményét is lehet értékelni, erre mutat rá a közigazgatás minőség-biztosítására alapított svéd kutatóintézet. A lakosság és az üzleti szektor akkor érzékeli a közigazgatási szervezetet jól működőnek, ha figyelembe veszik az ügyfelek észrevételeit. Erre az egyik legjobb eszköz egy interaktív weboldal.

...The conclusions in the report are partly based on a summary compiled by the Agency for Public Management of 51 quantitative user surveys with varying content that were carried out in the years 2006–08 by 31 administrative agencies engaged in extensive user liaison. This selection of agencies does not include higher education institutions (HEIs) or national museums. The summary covers a total of 1,394 ratings of public administration from the public and businesses.
The Agency for Public Management has also, in cooperation with Statistics Sweden (SCB), sent 180 administrative agencies a questionnaire about their user surveys. Replies to the questionnaire were received from 83% (149) of the agencies. In addition, the Agency has conducted in-depth studies concerning work on user dialogues at five major agencies with large-scale user liaison.
IT3 komment:
A közigazgatás teljesítményét is lehet értékelni, erre mutat rá a közigazgatás minőség-biztosítására alapított svéd kutatóintézet. A lakosság és az üzleti szektor akkor érzékeli a közigazgatási szervezetet jól működőnek, ha figyelembe veszik az ügyfelek észrevételeit. Erre az egyik legjobb eszköz egy interaktív weboldal.
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