A student taking an oral examination can be filmed and their performance ‘marked’ with written, sound or visual comments using a multimedia tool called LimSee3. The resulting multimedia document can be shared so that other teachers and examiners can develop consistent approaches to marking. This innovative tool is just one of a series developed during the Europe-wide Palette project to help ‘communities of practice’, such as teachers. Communities of practice are disparate groups of people – usually professionals – who strive to define, shape, share and manage a body of knowledge. “There are many online collaboration tools, but most of them are oriented towards enterprises, not communities,” explains Christine Vanoirbeek who coordinated the researchers in Palette. Many of the Palette tools exploit the advantages of Web 2.0 social networking technologies or the powerful document-searching capabilities of the semantic web. The eLogbook Web 2.0 social software is a tool for collaboration and learning in communities of practice. eLogbook offers community members a networking and communication platform, a repository for sharing and managing resources, a task and activity management system, as well as a community structuring tool allowing the definition of roles and distribution of tasks. eLogbook also provides different types of notifications (via email, or RSS feeds) in order to motivate contribution and sustain collaboration. Palette’s CoPe_it! tool creates online personal or collaborative workspaces. Users can share ideas and comments or add multimedia documents. The created content can be shifted about and reorganised by the users – even users with little experience. The idea is to enable discussion and collaboration, creating something new from collaboration within the workspace. Another tool, Sweet-Wiki combines the easy interaction of a wiki with the power of the semantic web. A wiki is a website which makes creating and editing any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser much easier. Palette also developed a Service Portal, distributed under the name myWiWall. The portal comprises multiple widgets giving access to different Palette services available to a community of practice from a web-browser window.
IT3 komment: A tudás közös megszerzése a tanulás egyik olyan fontos módja, amely az IKT eszközös alkalmazása következtében minden bizonnyal előtérbe fog kerülni az egyéni felkészüléssel szemben az elkövetkező évtizedekben. A PALETTE projekt egyike azon kuatásoknak, amelyben ennek műszaki lehetőségeit vizsgálták.
Forrás: cordis.europa.eu
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