Cloud computing, wireless networks and supply chain integrity should be key areas of focus for IT security research in the next few years, according to a new report from the European Union security agency Enisa. The study, Priorities for Research on Current and Emerging Network Technologies, was produced as part of Enisa's ongoing research into how information security can support the new digital agenda for Europe and the wider Europe 2020 strategy. The report highlights five key areas which Enisa believes "present the greatest need for research within a window of three to five years". These are cloud computing, real-time detection and diagnosis systems, future wireless networks, sensor networks and supply chain integrity. Enisa argued that cloud computing research needs to be focused on policy and law enforcement challenges, as well as technical issues. "Cloud computing models can benefit greatly from the international harmonisation of data protection, retention and privacy regulations," the report noted. "Research is also needed to better understand the best practices and policies that will facilitate effective incident handling." Guidelines and standards must be developed to allow "meaningful and unambiguous evaluation and certification of the assurance of cloud-based services", the report continued. Enisa also recommended that research on wireless network security should focus on the requirements for resilience, and on "network mechanisms and intrusion detection and recovery mechanisms".
IT3 komment: A felhőszámítástechnika eredményeként újfajta biztonsági kockázatok jelentek meg. A Web 2.0-s alkalmazások gyors elterjedését az alkalmazások használatában rejlő gezdaságossági előnyök segítik. A további térhódításuknak komoly akadálya lehet a biztonság hiánya. A biztonsági problémák megoldása jelentheti a továbblépést a Web 2.0-ról a Web 3.0 felé.
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