Industry groups and government agencies from the U.S., Europe and Japan have reached a basic agreement on how to measure the energy efficiency of data centers. The agreement is seen as significant because it establishes a common metric that different types of data centers, in different parts of the world, can use to report their level of energy efficiency. That could provide a yardstick for companies to assess the efficiency of their own data centers, and also to gauge the effectiveness of energy-saving techniques employed by other facilities. The agreement is unusual for its level of international cooperation. Orchestrated by the Green Grid, an industry consortium in the U.S., the agreement is backed by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the European Union Code of Conduct and the Japan Ministry of Economy, according to a statement from the Green Grid. "The Green Grid is working with organizations around the world to develop a clear and well-defined language for the way we communicate about energy efficiency metrics, which will give us a common measuring stick for all data centers regardless of their location," said Tom Brey, an IBM employee who is secretary of The Green Grid, in a statement. "With that type of consistency, we can start driving behavioral changes in the industry." The participants have agreed to adopt Power Usage Effectiveness, or PUE, as their "preferred energy efficiency metric," the statement says. PUE, which was developed by the Green Grid, divides the total energy consumed by a data center by the amount of energy used to power the IT equipment. The result shows how much energy is being lost to mechanical and electrical systems. The choice of PUE is no surprise. It has emerged as the most popular metric for measuring data center efficiency, and some large companies, notably Microsoft and Google, have been publishing PUE numbers as a way to show off the efficiency of their newest facilities. But there is no standard method for calculating PUE, and the groups participating in the agreement still have some work to do, in defining how the total energy consumed by a data center should be measured, for example. They are also expected to develop and define further efficiency metrics.
IT3 komment: A felhő számítástechnika alapinfrastruktúráját a nagy adatközpontok adják. Üzemeltetésük hatékonysága nem csak környezetvédelmi kérdés, hanem egyre jelentősebb költség, és ezáltal versenyképességi tényező is. Jelenleg a második generációs adatközpontok elterjedésének lehetünk tanúi, de már tervezik a harmadik és negyedik generációs megoldásokat is (ld. bővebben az IT3 Projekt keretében tartott előadást: Christian Belady, Lean Data Centers: Leading the Transformation). Nem kizárt, hogy néhány éven belül az erőművekhez hasonlóan az országok fejlettségi mutatói közé kerül az is, hogy mennyire modern és hatékony az adatközpont infrastruktúra.
Forrás: www.infoworld.com
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