A 3D-s bővített valóság megjelenik a sajtótermékekben is.
The VTT Technical Research Center of Finland has been developing augmented reality (AR) technology, which superimposes digital information in the user's view, and uses real-time video images and three-dimensional (3-D) virtual objects. In the case of Dibidogs, animated puppies created by Finnish and Chinese children, the user is viewing a magazine via a webcam and PC display. An animated Dibidog called Viki will appear on top of a marker on a page. The 3D character will act and react in different ways based on the movement of the webcam, e.g., by jumping, rolling and growling. The likeable puppy will always look at the camera which creates the impression that it knows that the user is there. A marker printed on a magazine can be copied and enlarged on a piece of paper which enables the user to play and interact with the Dibidog in a larger space. To use the application, the user needs to have a Windows PC which is suitable for 3D games and has a webcam. The user downloads the application from the URL specified on the magazine and installs it with a few clicks of the mouse. “International magazines have already used some AR elements previously, but they have typically been based on 2D video image. What makes Dibidogs unique is the use of animated 3D computer graphics and, in particular, the interaction between the user and the 3D character,” says Research Professor Charles Woodward from VTT. VTT focuses on applying AR technologies to areas such as interior design, construction, industrial applications and virtual video meetings. The next AR application developed by them will bring Dibidogs and other content to camera phones at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai in May. “AR technology completely transforms the reading experience. We want to be the first Finnish magazine to provide our readers with the AR experience and provide unique experiences for our readers as well as to improve the interaction with our readers and partners. The reading experience gains a completely new dimension when the 3D puppy becomes alive with the use of a webcam and reacts whenever the user moves the magazine or the camera,” says Social District Officer Jarno Alastalo, Aller Media Oy. Aller Media plans to continue the use of AR and to experiment with different content, such as people walking on the pages of the magazine.
IT3 komment: Bővül a bővítettvalóság-technológiák alkalmazási köre: sajtótermékekben ugyan már próbálkoztak vele, viszont csak 2D-s változatokkal. A 3D-s élmény (játékkarakterekkel való találkozás) különlegessé és valóban interaktívvá teszi az olvasást.
Forrás: www.vtt.fi
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