Dr Henry Tirri, Nokia's head of research, gazes into the future. How will IT change? Due to the downturn there will be more investment in collaboration tools, broadband, video and mobile to displace travel.
What will business IT look like in 2012?
It's becoming more crucial to use IT to gather information on the business. By 2012 that information will be sent direct to people's mobiles. Spreadsheet use on mobiles will grow.
What will be new in public sector IT in 2012?
Public sector IT spending in Europe will move towards cheaper, more open platforms, such as Linux. In Asia, public spending on IT will be higher - to help its industries stay competitive. In the US, most public money will be directed towards education, infrastructure and other areas, rather than IT.
How will individuals use IT in 2012?
In the US and Europe, people will move part of their PC use on to their mobile. This will include internet browsing and media consumption.
What will business look like in 2020?
Almost all businesses will have an IT architecture with a mixture of mobile devices that stay close to the user plus background systems, which might be part of the Cloud network of computers.
What about the public sector in 2020?
There will be more electronic government with more public services available online. This is likely to lead governments to call for some kind of electronic identification card on the grounds of efficiency.
How will IT be used by individuals in 2020?
A great technology should be invisible. In 2020, there'll be more technology that we can't see or which is hidden inside other things we are wearing, such as jewellery.
How much information are we going to store?
We already have the technology to store all of the television programmes on earth at a single location. Storage is not going to be a problem.
IT3 komment: Tudjuk, hogy pont az ilyen magabiztos kijelentéseket szokták később rendszeresen citálni annak bizonyításaként, hogy a jövő kutatása mennyire hiábavaló tevékenység. Kár, hogy dr. Tirri állításainak indoklását nem ismerhetjük meg az írásból. Ez nyilván az újságíró hibája. Persze így sem haszontlan elolvasni a jövendöléseket, különösen azon érdemes elgondolkozni, hogy egyetértünk-e velük vagy sem. A sok mobil telfonnal kapcsolatos jóslat nyilván nem véletlen, hiszen dr. Tirri a Nokia kutatási központjának a vezetője. Kár, hogy nem tették fel neki azt a kérdsét is, hogy lesz-e egyáltalán mobiltelefonunk a jövőben.
Forrás: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/88fd9d9c-0ea6-11de-b099-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1
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