European researchers have created a platform that allows users with no special expertise to generate telecom plus internet services. The backers hope the platform will pave the way for the Telco 2.0 era. Next year could be the date when, finally, we enter into the era of converged internet and telecom services. Call it Telco 2.0. It is well due. Up to now, the promise of converged telecom and internet services has remained just that, a promise. Those solutions that do work seamlessly are very effective, like the Blackberry, but they require proprietary software and special devices. This is hardly the promised happy marriage of two telecom worlds. That is about to change. European researchers have created a service development platform, called OPUCE, which makes two important breakthroughs. First, it offers a way to create converged ‘Telco-Internet’ services from scratch or using already created basic services; second, it is so simple to use that non-experts – regular surfers with no programming skills – can create their own compelling services, reportedly in minutes. OPUCE allows users to create converged services by combining internet technologies like instant messaging, email, maps, photo albums and directories with telco services, such as SMS, MMS, voicemail and so on. It may sound a bit vague, but the real-world applications enabled by the OPUCE platform are specific, unique and very compelling. They work just like mashups; small, software driven services on the internet that combine data from two or more sources to create exciting new information. The classic example online is services that combine, for example, Google maps with real estate listings; users can instantly see where there are new houses for sale. Now imagine that service delivered automatically to your mobile phone whenever a house in an area you are interested in hits the market.
IT3 komment: A távközlés és informatika, valamint a médiatechnológia konvergenciája ma már nemcsak eszközökben, hanem integrált szolgáltatásokban is megjelenik. Az OPUCE néven megjelenő szolgáltatási platform rugalmasan kombinálja az internet technológiát az üzenetkezelést, e-mailt, a térképszolgáltatást, a foto-szolgáltatásokat, a telefonkönyveket, a hangátvitelt is és az SMS-MMS-t is. Telco 2.0 néven emlegetik a konvergens szolgáltatási csomagot, amelyet nem profi felhasználók is gyorsan testre tudnak szabni maguknak. Ez is mutatja, hogy az infokommunikációs szektor a szétterülő fejlődési szakaszban van már (lásd Carlotta Perez nagy innovációs ciklusok elemzése c. tanulmányába).
Forrás: cordis.europa.eu
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