First we sent data through wires, then the air, now the human body is becoming a communications conduit. Researchers at Korea University in Seoul have transmitted data at a rate of 10 megabits per second through a person's arm, between two electrodes placed on their skin 30 centimetres apart. The thin, flexible electrodes use significantly less energy than a wireless link like Bluetooth. That's because low-frequency electromagnetic waves pass through skin with little attenuation, a route that also shelters them from outside interference.
Rather than wiring people directly to the internet, the team see health benefits for their technology. It is difficult to monitor vital signs, such as blood sugar and electrical activity of the heart, in a person going about their everyday lives because it means either covering them in snaking wires connected to a recording device, or using wireless transmission. "If we use wireless for each of these vital signs we would need many batteries," says study co-author Sang-Hoon Lee of Korea University in Seoul. A network transmitting through the skin would cut energy needs by roughly 90 per cent, he says. A communications link that worked in this way was first demonstrated in 2005 by researchers at the University of Tokyo in Japan. But the electrodes used were large, rigid and made of silver chloride, which can cause skin irritation if kept in place for long periods of time. Lee and colleagues coated a metal electrode with a flexible silicon-rich polymer and made sure it was skin safe by asking volunteers to wear an electrode on their shoulder, or behind their ear for a week. They also carried out cytotoxicity tests using human cell cultures. The entire device is 300 micrometres thick – about the width of three human hairs – and withstood tests in which it was bent to a 90-degree angle 700,000 times. The Korean team are working with a large electronics manufacturer to develop health-monitoring networks using the new electrodes. Lee says future versions could even be embedded beneath the skin for long-term monitoring applications, such as electrocardiography (ECG) or electroencephalography (EEG).
IT3 komment: Az IKT implantátumok elterjedésének egyik korlátja a testbarát anyagok hiánya. A Koreai Egyetem kutatóinak sikerült demonstrálniuk, hogy az emberi bőr is használható adatátviteli közegként. A kísérlet az mutatja, hogy lehetséges olyan megoldások kidolgozása, amely szükségtelenné teszi az emberi testbe ültetett eszközök kommunikációs interfészének kivezetését a bőrfelületig. Az adatátviteli megoldás ráadásul 90%-kal kevesebb energiát használ fel, mint amit a hasonlóan testbarát vezeték nélküli megoldások.
Forrás: www.newscientist.com
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