As a new form of network-based, machine-machine communication, the roll out of Triple Space technology heralds a new era for the internet in which computers are able to publish and read information just as humans create and browse webpages. By using semantic web technology to make information understandable by computers and expressing that knowledge as basic atomic units called tuples, the Triple Space enables web services to make use of true web communication instead of the email-like point-to-point exchange of messages common today. As such, it promises to provide faster, more efficient and more secure web services and distributed applications to a wide variety of sectors, from telecommunications and e-commerce to air traffic control and healthcare. “Despite their name, web services today aren’t very ‘webby’,” says Elena Simper from Semantic Technology Institute (STI) of the University of Innsbruck.“The way they communicate is more like email in which messages are sent and received between machines rather than true asynchronous web communication in which information is published and becomes persistently available to be read at any time,” she explains. STI coordinated the EU-funded TripCom project, a pioneering initiative that has successfully proven the Triple Space concept and implemented the technology to make the World Wide Web for machines a reality. To create the Triple Space, the researchers worked on making web services and the data they use understandable by computers, using semantic web technologies to communicate machine-readable knowledge rather than raw data. The team opted for the RDF format, which represents data and the semantics of data in triples of the form “subject-property-object” in order to build statements of knowledge. Information is then published in tuple spaces, shared virtual data-spaces designed for concurrent access by multiple processes and applications in which data units are generally expressed as tuples, a mathematical unit referring to an ordered list of finite length. Just as multiple human web surfers can view webpages hosted on the same or different servers at any time, information stored in the Triple Space is “persistently published” – meaning it is always available for any application with access to read it or, if permitted, change it.
IT3 komment: Az "Triple Space" elnevezés egy szemnetikus technológiára utal, ugyanakkor a Tripcom projekt kutatási eredményeinek jelentősége a szemantikus web koncepció egy újabb megvalósítása mellett sokkal inkább a webszolgáltatások közötti adatkommunikáció új típusú megközelítésében keresendő. A kifejlesztett megoldások ugyanis lehetővé teszik, hogy az egyes webszolgáltatások egy közös, szemantikusan annotált adattárház, a "Triple Space" segítségével, cseréljenek adatokat a közvetlen kapcsolatfelvétel helyett. A megoldás előnyei nyilvánvalóvá válnak, ha nagyobb számú, egymással kölcsönösen kommunikálni kívánó webszolgáltatás integrációja szükséges.
Forrás: www.sciencedaily.com
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