Az evolúciótól ellesett módszereket az IT legkülönbözőbb területein hasznosítják, így – nem meglepő módon – az autóiparban is kísérleteznek velük.
Extensive resource management is required in low rainfall regions, where groundwater reserves are rare and must be tapped with great care. Various factors must be taken into account… This complex application problem was examined by Tobias Siegfried and Wolfgang Kinzelbach, professor at the Institute for Environmental Engineering at the ETH Zurich, with the help of simulated evolution. In doing so, they used methods developed by the group of Eckart Zitzler who specialises in tackling these types of hard problems with “Evolutionary Algorithms”. The algorithms are called “evolutionary” because the characteristics of evolution – mutation, recombination and selection – form the basis of their search for promising solutions. They are most often used for complicated construction problems in engineering. The method is time-intensive but flexibly applicable; meaning it is particularly suitable for complex applications in which classic analytical processes do not work. The random search process on which the algorithms are based is not mainly about finding the best solution, but rather about meliorization, i.e. constantly improving solutions. The researchers never know when they have reached the maximum improvement. “That’s not the main issue. We are more interested in how well the initial solution can be improved,” says Zitzler. The Zitzler Group’s most recent research project deals with automotive electronics; the computer systems, which, for example, control braking, air-conditioning and airbags, must be optimised. The problem here is that the wiring of the components, spread over various parts of the car, weighs over 100 kilograms. The researchers must build a hardware structure, and determine where which element can be optimally assembled in the car to keep the wiring weight low, costs minimal and the reaction time of the entire system short. The system must also be as reliable as possible.
IT3 komment: A mindig a legjobb megoldást kereső evolúciót szimulálva, azaz evolúciós algoritmusok alkalmazásával könnyebben kivitelezhetők és optimalizálhatók a gépjárművek fékezését, légkondicionálását és légzsákjait vezérlő számítógépes rendszerek. Legalábbis egy felettébb szerteágazó svájci projekt résztvevői szerint.
Forrás: http://www.ethlife.ethz.ch
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